Fall Meetings with Brent Sivnksty

September 19–23, 2021

All are invited to our Fall Meetings with Evangelist Brent Sivnksty, September 19-23.  On Sunday, Sept. 19, Brent will preach at our Sunday School hour at 10 AM and during our Worship Service at 11:00 AM.  Meetings will continue Monday – Thursday at 7 PM.  All services will be held at the Baker River Bible Church at 259 NH-25, Wentworth, NH 03282.  Brent is and avid hunter and loves to meet fellow hunters.  

Brent was born into the home of an evangelist and started traveling with his family when he was six weeks old. He traveled with his family in meetings 10 months out of the year until he went to college. Brent was saved at the age of eight and was baptized a short time later. At the age of fourteen the Lord called him to preach and Brent surrendered to serve Him in whatever capacity He should choose. Two years later, while reading his Bible, the Lord made it clear that He wanted Brent to serve Him as an evangelist.

After college and graduate school, through the counsel of godly men, the Lord directed Brent’s heart to serve in a local church so that he could mature, gain wisdom, learn the heart of a pastor, and be better prepared to serve the pastor and the local church in the future ministry of evangelism. The Lord directed him to Burge Terrace Baptist Church in Indianapolis, Indiana in the fall of ’95. Brent was Youth Pastor there for three years and during that time the Lord brought his wife, Becky, into his life. The Lord then led them to Community Baptist Church in the fall of ’98 to serve with Dr. Bud Steadman. The Lord blessed them with five wonderful years of ministry there and in 2003 led them to enter into the ministry of evangelism.