December 15, 2019
All families are invited to a classic Christmas ministry: “Peanut Butter Christmas.” The children’s choir, teens, and drama team of Grace Baptist Church will present this memorable musical twice on December 15, 2019. The first presentation will be at the Baker River Bible Church at 10:00 AM. Baker River Bible Church is located at 259 NH-25, Wentworth, NH. Following the ministry, there will be a Soup Brunch. The second presentation will be at 2:30 PM at the Plymouth Regional Senior Center at 8 Depot St., Plymouth, NH. Following this ministry will be a Christmas Cookie Fellowship.
“Peanut Butter Christmas,” written by “Patch the Pirate” Ron Hamilton and Gary Emory, tells the story in drama and song of a family who loses all of the normal glitter of Christmas and discovers that all that you really need for Christmas is Jesus. They are stuck in a broken-down motel room with nothing except some peanut butter and unable to get to Grandma’s house for Christmas dinner. Though their room was frozen, their spirits were merry as they remember how little Joseph and Mary had in Bethlehem on that very first Christmas.
The following songs will be sung by our children with Kids Bells accompaniment: “Joy to the World Medley,” “The Peanut Butter Song,” “I Wanna Cancel Christmas,” “Happy Birthday to Jesus,” and “Christmas Is the Time.”
Don’t miss these joyous presentations. Any questions? Call 530-2866.