June 25–28, 2018
Dear Parents and Children,
I want to personally invite all children, ages 4 to 12, to attend the most exciting Vacation Bible School in New Hampshire at the Grace Baptist Church. During the week of June 25-28, no child will want to miss the “Misterslippi River Race,” our Steamboat Theme VBS.
Your child will not want to miss our “Misterslippi River Race” Puppets. VBS at Grace Baptist would not be complete without visits from Otis and Captain Paddlewheel.
During the week, each child will also be competing in our “River Race” Contest. Each child will collect special “River Rocks’ to help his or her team, the Wheelers or the Steamers, win the nightly river race. Prizes will be given to the winning teams each night and to very special sailors.
Each child will also get to build, paint, and race his or her very own River Race Steam Boat. After creating the boats during the week, each child will get to race his or her own River Race Boat for the River Boat Race Championships.
But most importantly, special Bible Stories will be told with the help of our BIG Screen Bible-Vision Machine. There will be a special story about the lives of your favorite Bible characters.
And don’t forget refreshments! There will be a special treat each night.
Finally, all parents, friends, and relatives are invited to the Commencement Night Program on Thursday night at 6:30 PM to hear the children sing and take part in all they have experienced. There will be a special Power Point Picture Slide Show reviewing the week as well. Special refreshments will be served after the program.
All in all, this can and will be a special week for each child in Lebanon County. Parents, would you allow us to have the privilege of ministering to your child this week? The VBS starts each night at 6:30 and ends at 8:00 sharp. No pre-registration necessary! See you there!
If you need more information, please call the church at 530-2866.