
Important Dates in the History of Grace Baptist Church of Plymouth

December 2010 – As a board member of Bible Open Air Mission, Justin Weberg went to India with Art Williams to help train national pastors. During this two-week trip, the Lord led him to consider expanding his efforts to start churches in NH.

January 2011 – After phone calls from a few local men encouraging Justin to start a church in Plymouth, NH, the Lord began to impress upon Justin’s heart the need.

February 2, 2011 – While reading 2 Corinthians 10:13-18, the Lord confirmed in Justin’s heart His leading to have him enlarge his ministry by starting a church in Plymouth as long as the people would let him stay in Colebrook. Justin called a few men that day to let them know of the Lord’s direction.

February 26, 2011 – Five families met at the home of Wade and Veralisa Reed to discuss the logistics of starting a church in Plymouth and to make sure that there was unity in doctrinal persuasion and practice. “The meeting was marked with testimonies of long-term prayers for a local church being answered, and the excitement of what God was doing. It was agreed upon to meet again in April, and to begin the search for a place to meet.” (Justin Weberg)

April 7, 2011 – The first regular meeting of the church took place on this Thursday at the home of Wade and Veralisa Reed. “Following a devotional and time of prayer, we discussed and decided upon a church name, established and agreed upon a Statement of Faith, discussed a Leadership Team and the necessary officers to begin a ministry with integrity and accountability.” (Justin Weberg) Soon thereafter, the Plymouth Regional Senior Center became available on Sundays and Thursdays for services.

April 14, 2011 – Having secured the legal documents for functioning, the church met for the first time on this Thursday at the Plymouth Senior Center to establish a Church Covenant, elect a Leadership Team, and to elect church officers.

April 21, 2011 – The church met again and agreed upon a Mission Statement. A bank account had also been opened in the church’s name.

April 28, 2011 – The church met to pray and plan for the first Sunday Service.

May 1, 2011 – Grace Baptist Church met for its first Sunday Service.

April 8, 2012 – Grace Baptist Church established and signed the church charter.

May 12, 2012 – The Deacons and Offices were officially filled.

November 7, 2013 – The Constitution for Grace Baptist Church was adopted.

April 14, 2014 – The church voted to call Pastor Steve Anglea as their first full-time pastor.

April 10, 2022 – Grace Baptist Church merged with Baker River Bible Church in Wentworth, NH.  The new church is called Grace Bible Church of the White Mountains.

“And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:47b)